Tuesday, April 26, 2011

24 weeks

24 weeks and growing, growing! 

I am feeling great for the most part but this little baby girl is active.  No, she’s not just active, she’s a little crazy, sometimes I think she is trying to get out.  Her most active period is in the evening.  But, really, she moves all day and night.  Also we still have not picked a name for this precious girl yet.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter: Part 2

The second part of Easter we spent with Bret's family.  We got back into Rockwall late Saturday night.  Sunday morning we got up and went to church then went over to his Nanna and Grandaddy's for lunch and more egg hunting.  Molly was a pro-egg hunter by the time the weekend was over.

This was the best picture I could get of Molly, at least she was sitting still.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011: Part 1

What a busy Easter weekend!  That is why I am turning it into two different posts. 

Thursday night Bret, Molly, and I headed down to Cleveland,TX, which is east of Houston, to spend time with my side of the family.  It so happens that both my dad's mom and mom's mom live there so we get to see both Grandma's when we go.  This time though my dad's mom was in the hospital and still is after recovering from heart surgery she had earlier this week.  We visited her lots while we were there but we also spent time with my mom's side of the family.  We had no problem staying busy.  It was exhausting but fun.  We came back home late Saturday night to make it for church and to see Bret's family on Easter Sunday.

  On Friday between all the playing the kids did they helped my cousin Amy make her bunny cake she makes each Easter. 

The finished cake.

And they dyed Easter eggs.

Saturday we had the great Easter egg hunt.  We hid 200 eggs for these four little ones but they actually had no problem finding them.  

Here they are waiting at the starting line ready to go.

Molly's basket full of eggs.

Colton's favorite part was this centipede he found.

Showing Mamaw all the stuff in their eggs.

Saturday late afternoon/evening we had a surprise birthday for my aunt that turned 60.  She was very surprised or at least she said she was.

After some birthday celebration we packed up and headed home.  I will make another post about our Easter Sunday.

Monday, April 18, 2011


For the time being Molly is petrified of bugs, spiders, or anything that may resemble a bug of some sort.  I do not mind her caution for them.  Last summer she came screaming out of her play house yelling bug.  I took a look and it was a yellow jacket that had made a nest in there so yes some caution is nice but sometimes her concern for these things can be quiet much.  For instance this little spider.  It was on the outside and Molly saw it when she was looking through the window.  She went into panic mode and was telling me that spider was going to get her.  I had to show her that it was not going to get her through the glass and it was not going to get her period.  She moved away from the window and played but kept an eye on it till she could no longer see it.  Another time it was just Molly and me in the car and she starts screaming like something was attacking her.  I almost wrecked because it scared me and I was trying to get somewhere so I could pull over.  She was crying and so hysterical I could not understand what she was saying when I would ask what was wrong that I was kind of worried that maybe something did sting her. I finally get pulled over all to find out it was just a, wait for it.................... piece of    FUZZ    that she thought was a bug crawling on her pants.  Now that is a little much.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Working At The Car Wash

Not this little miss!  I asked her to help me wash my car since it was a nice day.  She was so excited, but the minute she got some water on her shirt she ran inside took off her clothes and stood at the garage door and supervised me.  In case you are wondering I tried to get her to put on her swimsuit but she wanted nothing to do with it.

So here I am washing the car all by myself.

I could not get a picture (nor did I want a picture) of me really washing the car, so this will have to do. 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Weekend with Mom

Bret had to leave town for work all day Friday and Saturday so Molly and I had a little mommy daughter time together.  Now we typically have a mommy daughter evening at least once a week because Bret has to work late but since he was gone for the night I thought we would make it fun.

We started by having pizza for dinner, which both Molly and I love!

For dessert we had ice cream.  While we were there this older man sat at the table beside us and had a fluffy full white beard.  Molly got very excited and yelled "mommy it's Santa!"  The grumpy old man just kind of looked at us.  I wanted to tell him "well if you don't want kids calling you Santa then don't look like one."

After that we came home and got in our comfy clothes to eat some popcorn and watch a movie.  I let Molly pick.  Okay well after much of my trying to persuade her to pick certain movies she of course picked Peter Pan.  This girl loves her some Peter Pan.  It is the only Disney movie she will or wants to watch.  All of the other ones scare her and believe me I have tried ALL of them.  Even the Tinker Bell movies.  Now those don't scare her but she wants nothing to do with them, so for the 153,579,450,001 time we watched Peter Pan...again.  By the way I realize we had a junk food evening with the pizza, ice cream, and popcorn but it sure was good :)

Since Bret wasn't getting back till Saturday evening a friend invited us out to have a pre-egg hunt.  Molly loved it and is ready for the real thing!

They had a huge bowl of cheetos that Molly quickly found and became best friends with.  This is her telling me "I love cheetos."