Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Oh my! Yes we are still here!

Not a whole lot going on here.  We have been busy living life but not much to share.  Let's see:

We have committed to being Costco shoppers and it is going well.
Bret has been working like a mad man.  When he gets home from his job at the Diocese he usually eats dinner with us then leaves to work on his website business - Metro Design Loft.
I keep thinking I am going to get motivated and do some organizing but then the thought of it makes me tired.
While I love my Hattie girl she is beating me down.  She has turned into a mommy's girl and depending on her mood will tolerate somebody else holding her for about 5 seconds to 5 minutes.  That includes Bret.  However, if Molly could hold her I think Hattie would be okay with that.  She adores Molly and Molly adores her.  I am sure that will all change when Hattie starts getting into Molly's stuff.

This is all so interesting, right?!  I will stop boring you now. I just wanted to give a shout out so everyone knew we were still here.

Here are a few pictures of the girls.  Since it has been a warm winter I have been trying to take advantage and get outside as much as we can.


Alison said...

First let me say congratulations on your Costco membership. I heart that place - big time!!

And organization is totally overrated. :)

Kyle and Marci said...

Your days look like ours!! Your girls are so precious Lisa!!