Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Whenever we are with our friends Jay and Alison we would always tease one another when one of us made a "healthier" choice.  You just look at that person and say "Skinny!"  It may not have always been a healthier choice but maybe not as bad as what everyone else was choosing to eat or drink.  All that to say is that Bret really has been getting Skinny.  In July he joined Weight Watchers and it has been going great.  It is so easy with all of the meal suggestions to cook on line like Skinny Taste or you can even check out Dotty's website that will give you any restaurant and the points for their menu.  We have actually just recently joined e-mealz, which has a point system menu to choose from so it not only helps me plan our meals, it helps us budget, and keeps Bret on a point system.

Here he is in June.

Here he is now.  He has lost 26lbs (and still going)